Our goals for 2024

​​Each year it's important that we share with the school community our focus areas for working with students and for professional learning for our staff.

As a school we are very appreciative of the support from families of what our children are learning at school. In 2024, CTK School has goals in these four areas:
  • Catholic Identity: Staff formation and the delivery of the Religious Education Curriculum
  • Teaching and Learning: Writing
  • Our People: Building a culture of collaboration and partnership
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Levels of Teaching Response
These focus areas align with Brisbane Catholic Education's Strategic Plan and are regularly revisited by our staff. If you would like to know further detail, you can read the Annual Improvement Plan​.

​Principal's Review – Parent Survey

Every four years, principals in Brisbane Catholic Education schools undertake periodic Performance and Development Summative Review. As this is my fourth year at Christ the King School, this review process is being undertaken during August.

To assist with this process, parents are invited to participate in a short survey to help capture critical stakeholder voice. A link to a parent feedback survey will be emailed to families.

I value your parent voice and would appreciate your participation in this survey, if you have the time. 

Your responses will be collected by Brisbane Catholic Education and de-identified from me.

I thank you in advance for your contribution.

​Enrolments and the Twilight Principal's Tour

CTK School enrolments for 2025 are well underway. By early August I will submit to Brisbane Catholic Education our projected student numbers for 2025 so the staffing process can begin. We require this information so that teacher places can be offered across the Brisbane Catholic Education system for next year. If you are aware that your child will not be attending Christ the King School next year, please advise the School Office in writing immediately. ​

Twilight Principal's Tour – Wednesday, 28 August | 4pm-5pm

If you know of a family member or friend looking for a place for their child in any year level for 2025, 2026 or beyond, please encourage them to register for our Twilight Principal's Tour on Wednesday, 28 August. This opportunity is for new families to gain an insight into life at Christ the King School and discover how our school's holistic approach fosters a love of learning and builds the foundations for academic success now and into the future.

CTK Graceville - Twilight Tour - Website Header Image_V755.jpg

​Student Uniforms and Lost Property

​A courtesy reminder for parents and guardians to check their child's uniform items are labelled clearly with the student's name. We have quite a number of lost uniform items in our Lost Property bucket at present and while our school officers endeavour to reunite these items with their student owner, the process is made difficult by illegible names or no names at all.

Could I also ask parents to check that jumpers, hats and other items coming home with your child actually belong to your child. The school office has received an increased number of enquiries from parents about lost items – such as hats and jumpers – that may have been placed in the wrong student bag or accidentally picked up.

We appreciate your consideration of this matter.

Damien Sullivan


​From the Assistant Principal Religious Education

What a fortnight we've had. Last week (22-26 July) being Catholic Education Week, we were given so many wonderful opportunities for us all to experience, reflect on and to highlight the great things that take place in Catholic schools every day. Many thanks to families and staff for their donations and willingness to support all the events on offer. A wonderful effort by all for raising much-needed funds for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, and many cans of food for those in need. Additional monies were also raised for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: National Patronal Feast

Each year on 8 August we celebrate the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Australia's beloved first saint and patron saint of our Archdiocese. ON this day, we celebrate the important role she played in making education accessible for children in our country. Mary MacKillop devoted her life to ensuring a holistic Catholic education for children from rural, poor families.

St Mary MacKillop's impact on Australian education was remarkable. She was a trailblazer and a leader who passionately advocated for the education of underprivileged children and children in remote areas where others either would or could not go. For such children and their families, Mary opened a door of hope into the future.​

Loving Father,
We honour St Mary of the Cross
A woman of strength, resilience and courage
A woman of kindness, compassion and joy.
May her life and ministry of service
Inspire us to reach out to others in need
With justice and mercy
With generosity and humility.
May we, like Mary, alive in the Holy Spirit,
learn to live by faith in you and follow
the way of your son Jesus, our brother.

Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Mary MacKillop is on Thursday, 8 August at 9am at St Joseph's Church, Corinda.

​Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On this day we affirm our belief that Mary is now in Heaven.
This feast of Mary originated in a sixth century feast of the Dormition or ‘Falling asleep of Mary’. By the seventh century the feast became known as the Assumption of Mary.    
The date of this feast commemorated a very ancient harvest festival towards the end of summer, which gave thanks to the Earth Mother for her fertility in producing the harvest.
The feast of the Assumption commemorates the glorification of Mary, chosen by God, to be the mother of Jesus the Christ. The feast acquired a special status as a feast of Mary when Pius XII in 1950 defined the assumption as a dogma of faith. In Australia, it is considered a Holy Day of Obligation. 

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Holy Day of Obligation
  • Vigil Mass: Wednesday, 14 August (EKKA Show Day Holiday [Brisbane]) at 7pm at Christ the King Church, Graceville
  • Morning Mass: Thursday, 15 August at 9am at St Joseph's Church, Corinda
For those unable to attend, I have included a link to a 'Feast of the Assumption' Family Resource provided by Brisbane Catholic Education.

School Sponsored Mass

Many thanks to the wonderful families and staff who supported our School Sponsored Mass on Sunday, 28 July. I was blown away by the support shown and it was fantastic to see families celebrating with our Parish community and taking the opportunity to be active participants in the liturgy and of the Church.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

​Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) for students with a disability. The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. Additionally, it informs best practices within the school environment and develops shared practices in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability. 

​Please read this Fact Sheet with further information on NCCD​.

Suzannah Halpin