Co-curricular Activities

​​​​​Students at Christ the King School, Graceville have access to a variety of different sports and music programs that are run from the school during and outside of school hours.  


Christ the King School's choir has been reformed under the leadership of the school's music teacher, Mrs Margaret Lawless. Our Senior Choir (Years 3-6), practises on Thursdays at 7:45 am and the Junior Choir (Prep – Year 2) on Thursdays at 1 pm. Students may also be involved in public performances throughout the year.

​Students must complete the Choir Registration Form 2025​ and return it to Mrs Lawless or the School Office.


​Debating fosters self-confidence and requires participants to listen to others and to comprehend the validity of others' points of view. It encourages awareness of social issues. It is very much a team activity; indeed, one of its main benefits for students is in the team preparation of each topic, preparatory to the debating competition night. Students always value the social opportunities the interaction creates and make many friends with their team members and opponents from the other schools. Debates are held on a 'home and away' basis during the season. Families are asked to assist with student transport to and from debates for safety reasons.​

Christ the King School's Year 5 and Year 6 students participate in the Queensland Debating Union (QDU) on Wednesday nights. 

CTK School is consistently successful in debating. Additionally and importantly, students learn to work together as a team, speak before an audience, articulate their case, listen to, comprehend, analyse and refute the opposing case, and at the end, shake hands with the opposition.   

Students interested in Debating should speak with their classroom teacher​

Health and Physical Education

HPE is an important classroom program within the school’s Connected Curriculum. Together with the classroom component children are provided with a developmental skills program in a variety of sports. In Years 1 and 2 simple skill and gross motor development is the priority. In Year 3 modified games are workshopped with students and in Years 4-7 all students are involved in interschool competitions. All students are also given the opportunity to represent the district in a variety of sports.

The following sports make up part of the school HPE program:

Prep–Year 2

  • Motor Program​

Prep–Year 6

  • Athletics​
  • Cross Country​ ​
  • ​Swimming

Prep–Year 6 

Workshops in: 
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Softball/Baseball
  • Soccer

Year 5–6

  • Sequential Outdoor Education Program (Camp)

​​Interschool Sport

​Year 4 -6 students participate in two 10-week blocks of interschool sport, which is played across the four terms. Sports on offer include soccer, netball, cricket, softball, volleyball and tennis. Christ the King School plays against local state and private schools in the region. Students also have the opportunity to make regional and state teams from their involvement in local school sport.

​School Camp

​Christ the King School's Sequential Camp Program is an integral and eagerly anticipated part of the Year 5 and Year 6 curriculum. It integrates learning in several key areas and provides our school's older students with an invaluable experience to explore, extend and affirm their social and physical skills.

Year 5 students travel to Camp Tallebudger​a where they engage in numerous activities. Year 6 camp takes place at Emu Gully and has a strong leadership focus. Our students find the camp program to be positive and empowering while developing their leadership, teamwork and cooperative skills.