
​​​​​The CTK School ​Tuckshop offers students a range of food and drink items.

Students can access the tuckshop for Morning Tea and Lunch on Thursdays and Fridays.

​Interested in volunteering in the Tuckshop?​

Parent and guardian volunteers are invited to assist the Tuckshop Convenor in providing this service to our students.​​ There are a variety of ways to support this valuable school service, including:

  • ​Administrative tasks (e.g., labelling and sorting lunch bags, counting drinks)
  • Food preparation (e.g., cutting fruit, making sandwiches)
  • Service tasks (e.g., packing orders, handing out ice blocks)
  • Cleaning tasks (e.g., washing up).

​You can volunteer for:

  • Morning 'Helping Hand' shift for labelling and sorting bags (8:30am-9:30am, suitable for parents with small children in tow)
  • Morning Tea shift (8:30am-11am)
  • Lunch shift (11am-1:30pm)
  • Full Tuckshop day (8:30am-1:30pm)
  • Clean Up shift (1:30pm-2:30pm, Fridays only)​

​You can also volunteer for shorter periods of time (e.g., 30 minutes, 45 minutes).

Mandatory Induction and Training Requirements

​Christ the King School's Tuckshop is required to operate in accordance with a range of important food standards and workplace health and safety legislation. Prior to volunteering, parents and guardians are required to undertake:

  • Brisbane Catholic Education's 'Training for Volunteers and Third Parties'​
  • Brisbane Catholic Education's 'Tuckshop Volunteers WHS Induction'
  • Food Safety Training
  • CTK School Tuckshop Induction and Training (part of the first shift for volunteers)

​Further Resources

CTK School Tuckshop Guide 2025.pdf

Information for Tuckshop Volunteers.pdf