BCE releases new Media and Student Materials consent policy and form

Brisbane Catholic Education has released a new Media and Student Materials consent policy and form, which will come into effect in Term 4. 

The new Media and Student Materials consent policy and form will replace the current Media Consent form that included three options: No Consent, Limited Consent (Your School Community) and Broad Consent (Public).

Christ the King School collects digital, photographic and multimedia images of students and student materials for a wide range of reasons, including to show parents and guardians activities undertaken by students, and to promote the school and Brisbane Catholic Education.

The new Media and Student Materials policy is aimed at removing confusion, simplifying the procedure and reducing the administrative burden on school staff, by allowing parents and guardians to either opt in or opt out.

Understanding the new Media Consent types

​CTK School must obtain media consent from parents and guardians for photographs and video of students for use in the above mediums. Parents or guardians will choose either 'Yes' or 'No' from the consent options (below) regarding Media and Student Materials.

  • ​Consent

For various formats including online media, social media, print media, newspapers, videos, public displays and presentations, television, school newsletters, radio, internal communications, electronics communications and in any edited form.

  • No Consent

A parent or guardian (or student of 18 years of age or older) may select 'No Consent'. This means the student will not be photographed or filmed at any school activity and will be asked to stand aside for photography, video and recordings of performances and events. CTK School may still take individual student photographs for the school to use for its own student identification purposes, such as report cards or internal records, but it would have no consent to share images of such students with anyone else apart from the parent or guardian.

Consent for specific circumstances

In addition to the above, CTK School will now seek specific media consent from parents and guardians to include photographs and video images of students or student materials for BCE's business and marketing purposes, including: advertising materials (e.g., billboards, training materials, employee email footers).

In such circumstances, CTK School will seek specific consent from parents and guardians in writing. This consent will be time-limited, will specify the audience and medium (e.g., parents via the Parent Portal), and will specify the event or circumstances for which the specific consent is sought.

What about formal school photographs?​

Like many BCE Schools, Christ the King School has an external photographer take formal class photographs and individual student photos. The Media and Student Materials consent form does not seek consent for your child to be photographed in formal class or individual student photos.

Parents and guardians will be provided with separate information about formal class photos and be asked to provide their consent for such events. Individual student photos taken of your child by the external photographer will be used by BCE and CTK School for student identification. 

When media consent is not required, but parents should be notified

​From time-to-time photographs of students participating in activities may be published in the school newsletter, on the school website or on the school's social media. In such instances, where students are not easily identifiable, CTK School will inform parents and guardians if an activity will be recorded or shared. Where possible you will be provided with notification on where photographs and/or recordings will be used before the event.

When 'No Consent' applies

No media consent applies when the parent or guardian of a student under 18 years or a student 18 years or over selects 'No Consent' on the Enrolment Confirmation - Media Consent Form or informs CTK School in writing or selects 'No Consent' on a parent slip. The 'No Consent' status will continue until this is changed to a 'Yes' by a parent or guardian.

What happens next?

​Parents and guardians of students at CTK School will receive a Parent Slip to update media consent at the end of Week 8, by no later than Friday, 30 August. Please keep an eye on your email inbox for this Parent Slip as it must be completed by Thursday, 5 September.

From Term 4, only students who have opted for 'public' consent will be used in any school communications. This includes CTK School publications, newsletters, website and social media platforms.

Please note, that if you are changing your child's media permission from 'Limited' or 'Broad' media consent to 'No', CTK School will refrain from republishing the student's image or materials in any future media.

It is anticipated this new process will make it easier for parents and guardians to choose the right option for their child. The clear definition will also allow CTK School to more easily manage student records, ensuring consistency across events and activities. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs Calista Simmons by email or by telephone, 07 3379 7872.​


Source: Adil Ansari , Unsplash, 2015. © Brisbane Catholic Education, Christ the King School (2024)

Celebrating our Senior Choir at QCMF

Congratulations to our Senior Choir on achieving a Bronze Award for their performance at the Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Music Festival (QCMF) on Friday, 16 August. Students and staff from 76 Brisbane Catholic Education schools participated in this showcase of diverse musical talent. This year's event attracted more than 14,500 students from Prep to Year 12 performing.

A big thank you to Mrs Margaret Lawless for her time, effort and expertise in coordinating and guiding our students for this wonderful event.

Queensland Health encourages influenza vaccinations among children

Influenza is on the rise in Queensland. Currently, 23 per cent of flu cases are in school-aged children. For the first time in 2024 there are more public hospital beds occupied by people with influenza than the coronavirus (Covid-19). Queensland Health's current predictions suggest the peak of cases is still several weeks away and is encouraging parents and guardians to vaccinate.

Queensland Chief Health Officer, Dr Catherine McDougall, says vaccination remains the most effective way of protecting against severe disease from influenza. 

"Our current data shows vaccination has offered significant protection in avoiding hospital admissions, with over 80 per cent of people admitted to hospital this year with influenza unvaccinated," Dr McDougall says.

So far only 13 per cent of school-aged children have received the 2024 influenza vaccination.

Staff, students and families can access free flu vaccinations from primary care providers, including community pharmacies, general practices and council clinics. 

Feeling unwell? Stay at home, please

As parents and caregivers would be aware, it is extremely important that any student with cold or flu-type symptoms stay away from school until symptoms have passed. Having a busy day or needed to go to work is not a reason to send your child to school if they are not well.

Accessing toilet facilities at CTK School

​For student protection reasons, I ask that parents and caregivers do not use the student toilets on school days.

Adults using children's toilets potentially at the same time as students is, of course, a safety and protection issue. 

If parents or caregivers find themselves in need of restroom facilities while at school, please ask the School Office who will be more than happy to point you in the direction of a suitable toilet.

This also applies after school. After 3pm our student toilets are for the use of OSHC only. Our extra-curricular activity organisers know to direct students to the accessible toilets at the side of the student toilet block, if they are required.

I appreciate your cooperation with this.

School arrival times and Office opening hours

Please note that the morning supervision of students at CTK School begins at 8:15am. If your child is arriving at school before this time, please make arrangements for them to attend before school care at OSHC, which is available from 7am.

I would also like to remind parents and guardians that our School Office is open from 8am each school day.​

Damien Sullivan
