The importance of arriving on time

Arriving on time for school is a big contributor to your children being engaged in their learning. It is important all children arrive at school in time to commence the school day at 8:30am. 

When children arrive after the 8:30am bell, they are missing the opportunity to be well-prepared for the day's learning. Unfortunately, this can also have an impact on the learning of other students in the class.

Teachers and staff understand that there may be delays in getting to school on occasion, but this should really be an exception. If a student arrives at school after 8:30am they must go to the School Office accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and sign in. The office staff will then give your student a late slip to hand to their class teacher, which lets the teacher know they have been through the office.

If you would like to discuss how we can work together to address any factors that may be impacting on your child's attendance, please contact the School Office on 07 3379 7872 to make an appointment. 

​Plan ahead for the Pupil Free Day

A courtesy reminder for parents and guardians that Friday, 30 August is a Pupil Free Day for Queensland schools.

This day is allocated as a professional development day for all staff.​

Damien Sullivan

​From the Assistant Principal Religious Education

Thursday, 15 August is the day we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Celebrated annually on this date, the day marks the ascending of Mary's body into heaven. May's importance in Catholicism far outweighs her lack of references in the Bible. Her birth and death are not actually mentioned in the Bible, but her significance for Catholics is immense. Mary had the courage to say 'Yes' to being the Mother of Jesus.

Mary is universally seen as a sign of hope and therefore, the title of Mother of the Church is quite rightly bestowed on her. In Australia, the Feast of the Assumption is considered a holy day of obligation, along with Christmas and every Sunday.

​​​Prayer for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Gracious God,

In Jesus we see your love for us made visible. He came to us through the courage and trust of a young woman. Like Mary...

May we trust that you have mercy in every generation, so that our work is done with confidence and hope.

May our spirits exult in your saving love, so that our lives are filled with compassion for the poor, the lost, the fearful and the bewildered.

May we find the motivation and energy to work for your Kingdom and so help to fill the starving with good things.

May our souls proclaim the greatness of the Lord so that our actions and words do not offence against justice or charity.

We ask this through Jesus, your Son.

​Join us for Friday Mass at 9:30am

At Christ the King School, we deeply honour and value our connection with our parish community. Each Friday at 9:30am one of our classes join with the parish for weekly Mass. It is wonderful to witness family members who make a special effort to attend these services.

Many thanks to Father Mark and Mr Michael Doherty, who continue to support our children and staff in this space.

All are welcome to join us each Friday at 9:30am. To find out which classes are involved, please refer to the Important Dates notices at the top of the newsletter.

Penance Information Night – Thursday, 22 August

Sacrament of Penance for Children: In the year when children to 10 years old (Year 5), they are prepared to celebrate more fully the Sacrament of Penance with individual confession and absolution (the First Rite). This builds on the work of the previous year as they take the second step and learn in greater detail what it means to examine their conscience.

The Sacrament of Penance is for children who have been Confirmed and have made their First Holy Communion.

All are welcome for a brief parent session that will outline the next steps of your child's sacramental journey.

Penance Information Night will be held on Thursday, 22 August at 6:30pm at Christ the King Church. For more information, or to RSVP, please email Sacramental Coordinator Melissa Lonergan by Tuesday, 20 August.​

Suzannah Halpin