Celebrating our mothers and mother figures

​​​​We hope all our mums and mother​ figures from Christ the King School have a fabulous day on Sunday, 12 May, and are well looked after by their families. All mums and mother figures are invited to our Friday morning breakfast at 8am and are encouraged to stay for our special Prayer Assembly. We look forward to a wonderful turn-out of family members to celebrate our mother figures.

​​​Of course, coming up on Sunday, 25 May is our P&F Association's Mother's High Tea. Mothers and friends of CTK School are invited to attend this special afternoon at the Brisbane Golf Club. Don't forget to buy your tickets for what will again be a wonderful event.

Staffing Update

​We welcome to CTK School Mrs Deborah Butler, who is taking on the role of our Support Teacher for Inclusive Education through to the end of the 2024 school year. Deb takes over from Ms Chrissie Mitchell, who has taken up a student support position with Independant Schools Queensland.

We wish Chrissie all the best for this new role, and warmly welcome Deb into our school community.

Deb will work at Christ the King School on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays each week.​

​School Attendance – Arrival Time

​Arriving on time for school is a big contributor to children being engaged in their learning. It is very important that all children arrive on time to commence the school day by 8:30am. When children arrive after this time they miss the opportunity to be well-prepared for the day's learning and unfortunately impact upon the learning of other children.

Teachers understand that on occasions there may be a hold up in getting to school, but this should be an exception.

Process when students arrive late to school

If a student arrives at school after 8:30am, they must go to the office and sign in accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The office staff will give the student a late slip to hand to their class teacher, which lets teachers know they have been through the office.

​No Playing in the CTK School Grounds After School​​

A reminder for parents and students that for safety reasons, playing in the school grounds after 2:50pm is not permitted. The play equipment in our adventure playgrounds is certainly out of bounds any time there isn't a teacher supervising.

Each afternoon there are quite a number of children who appear to be waiting for parents in the undercover area and on the grass, and without proper supervision the risk of an accident is always there. 

We also ask that parents and caregivers who bring toddlers along towards the end of the day or to after school activities, please keep a close eye on their children and ensure they are not playing on the playground equipment. 

The playgrounds are for teacher-supervised use of our school students and for children attending Outside School Hours Care.

​​Tuckshop – Lunch Left At Home

I would like to bring to the attention of parents and guardians that we have recently had an increase in number of children coming to the office telling staff that they don't have any lunch. On occasion this is because the child has eaten all their lunch at morning tea. Sometimes a lunchbox has been left behind. Yet there are definitely times when children really just don't want to eat what has been provided for them and they're want to see if they can get something different from the tuckshop or the office.

Our office staff are managing this issue well, but I would ask parents and guardians to have a discussion with their child/ren about what is going into their lunchbox, how they can be involved in the preparation of those lunchboxes and what the expectations are for eating.

I appreciate your support on this matter.

Damien Sullivan



​From the Assistant Principal Religious Education

​​May: The Month of Mary

May is a significant month in the Church's calendar. It is traditionally the month when the Church honours Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Mary is honoured in a variety of ways with parishes praying the Rosary daily and setting up spaces in the church for believers to pray. Schools may follow similar practices and some Catholics may set up spaces in their homes or make the Rosary pray a part of family prayers each day of May.

Hail Mary,

Full of Grace,

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit 

of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary,

Mother of God,

pray for us sinners now,

and at the hour of our death.


During the month of May we celebrate a number of Marian feasts within our church:

Monday, 13 May: Our Lady of Fatima

Monday, 20 May: Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

Friday, 24 May: Our Lady Help of Christians (join us for Mass at Christ the King Church | 9:30am)

Saturday, 25 May: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Mass at St Joseph's Church | 9:30am)

Friday, 31 May: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (join us for Mass at Christ the King Church | 9:30am)

At Christ the King School, our teachers will align areas of the curriculum that teach about Mary in their Term 2 Religion plans and pray Marian prayers of a decade of the Rosary as part of class morning prayer.​

Perhaps we might make a special effort to pray the Rosary during the months of May or attend Mass on one of these special feast days.

​​Mothers' Breakfast and Liturgy – Friday, 10 May

A friendly reminder that Friday, 10 May is CTK School's annual Mothers' Liturgy.

All mothers and mother figures from our school community are warmly invited to join us for a delicious light breakfast from 8am under the Nano Nagle Tree. This will be followed by the school Liturgy at 8:30am in the Under Cover Area.

Thanks to our CTK School Tuckshop and the P&F Association for hosting the breakfast. There will be an assortment of delicious goodies for all to enjoy and special dietary requirements have been catered for where known in advance.

For catering purposes, please ensure you RSVP using this link​.

We look forward to celebrating your contribution to the lives of our students, teachers and staff.

Please know you are still warmly welcome even if you are unable to stay for the breakfast or the Liturgy. We encourage you to collect a coffee at drop off time.

​Prayer for Mothers

​Blessed be mothers and mother figures in our lives.
Blessed be our mothers who have passed.
Blessed be all new mothers.
Blessed be mothers who will never be.
Blessed be all mothers who find mothering difficult.
Blessed be mothers who struggle with addiction or mental illness.
Blessed be mothers who make mistakes.
Blessed be mothers who are homeless.
Blessed be mothers in war zones.
Blessed be mothers for their love, their inspiration, their sacrifices, their care, their guidance, their struggles and their pain.   
And, blessed be Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother.  
Be with us Mary, Mother of Jesus.  

Source: India Mitchell-Fletcher, Master of Teaching (Primary) student, Australian Catholic University.

​Suzannah Halpin