CTK School Among the Top 150 Primary Schools in Qld

​​Some wonderful news family may have recently heard – Christ the King School has made the Top 150 performing primary school and is one of 11 Brisbane Catholic Education schools making up the Top 100 in the 2023 Queensland rankings. 

An independent analysis from Better Education released recently revealed Queensland’s best schools rankings – a compilation of public, private and independent schools between Prep and Year 6. CTK School entered the rankings in 96th position.

The ranking is based on the state overall score, which is calculated using schools’ Year 5 English and Maths test results in 2023. A score of 100 is the highest. CTK School had a state overall score of 97. This is a credit to both our students for the way they engage in their learning, and our teachers who work with our students to develop their skills.

​Our English and Maths results indicate CTK School students have made wonderful progress in learning as they move through their primary years of schooling. However, these results are only one measure of each learner's growth. At CTK School our teaching staff use a variety of assessment tools throughout the year and across the various facets of our high quality teaching and learning program.

Congratulations to Our BCE Excellence Award Nominees

The Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence Awards highlight the exemplary achievements of BCE staff and the impactful and innovative programs, projects, and work happening in BCE schools. 

This year, two Christ the King School staff have been nominated. Please join me in congratulating...

  • Suzannah Halpin – Excellence in Strengthening Catholic Identity
  • Danielle-Louise Boundy – Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Primary School

Our deserving recipients, along with 377 other nominees, will celebrate at the BCE Excellence Awards Ceremony in August.​

SH_Excellence-Awards.PNG DLB_Excellence-Awards.PNG

Interhouse Athletics Carnival

​CTK School held its annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival on Wednesday, 5 June at the UQ Sports Athletics Centre. This track and field carnival is for Prep to Year 6 students. Students were treated to a fabulous day of athletics and games thank to dedicated work by our staff and, in particular, our fantastic PE teacher Mrs Stephens.

Our Year 2-6 students had been preparing for the carnival throughout Term 2 with their athletics coaching sessions at school, which included shot put, long jump, high jump, sprints and relays.

​​Student, Parent and Guardian Complaints Management

CTK School follows Brisbane Catholic Education's (BCE) policy and guidelines for complaints. The purpose of this policy is to outline the principles BCE employees must follow when managing a complaint from a student, parent or guardian. Complaints are an important source of information for CTK School in identifying issues and risks and improving processes and systems.

This Student, Parent & Guardian Complaints Management process can be located online.

If you ever have a concern, we ask that you follow this process:

  1. In the first instance, the student, parent or guardian talks with a teacher or other school employee and they work together to resolve the complaint.
  2. If the matter cannot be resolved, the student, parent or guardian talks with a senior school employee i.e., APRE, Primary Learning Leader or other nominated school employee and they work together to resolve the complaint.
  3. If the matter cannot be resolved, the student parent or guardian talks with the Principal and they work together to resolve the complaint.

Complaints procedure for non-compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes

The purpose of the Non-compliance: Student Protection form is to capture the details of a complaint regarding non-compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes.

Complaints about other matters must be made following the Student, Parent and Guardian Complaints Management process.

Information about complaints processes and the above links can always be found on our school website under 'BCE Policies'. Please don't hesitate to make contact with a member of the leadership team to discuss any elements of these policies.​

​Tax-deductible Donations to the CTK School Building Fund​​

Did you know you can make a tax-deductible donation to Christ the King School's Building Fund before the end of June? Your continued contributions to the Building Fund ensure that CTK School can continue to make necessary repairs, plans and renovations in the future. ​​

We thank you for your consideration of how you will continue to support our efforts to developing facilities that meet the educational needs of our students, both now and into the future. 

You can make payments via the BPay link and email the school's Finance Officer to inform us of your donation, or you can drop into the office to pay via credit card/cash.

Donations paid as part of the term account statements are automatically processed to the building fund and receipts are provided to all families in July after the financial year ends.

Damien Sullivan


​From the Assistant Principal Religious Education

At the beginning of this year Pope Francis inaugurated a Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, calling for us "to pray more fervently to prepare ourselves to live properly this grace-filled event and to experience the power of hope in God". This Year of Prayer is dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer; prayer in our personal lives, in the life of the Church and prayer in the world.

Prayer in our school community is a true and distinct reflection of who we are as Catholic community and ultimately it brings us closer to God.

At Christ the King School, our Catholic perspective permeates every aspect of school life, including the curriculum. Our dedicated teachers have been engaged in continued religious professional learning and recently came together to look at the role and practise of prayer. It was a good opportunity for teachers to talk about the different ways of praying – from traditional prayers, such as The Hail Mary through to more kinaesthetic prayers such as Labyrinth Prayers – and how we can engage our students in prayer as a school and in the classroom, and make it more contextualised in this world.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

The weekend of 8-9 June, St Vincent de Paul is holding its winter appeal.

The appeal supports Vinnies in its work to help those in need. This includes families escaping domestic violence, those who cannot afford both power and food, those who are unable to find permanent accommodation and are living with several children in a motel room, and those whose physical and/or mental health involve additional expenses that they cannot meet.

If you would like to donate to this year's winter appeal, you can do so via...

  • Online Transfer to BSB 064-786, Account No: 100 026 057, Account Name: SVDP Christ the King and St Joseph's Corinda Graceville Conference.
  • Direct Deposit in any branch of the Commonwealth Bank to Account ID No: 4000 0032 5284, Agent No: 8064, Name of Account: Archdiocesan Development Fund.

You might also use one of the SVDP envelopes available in church.​

Children and Church Survey for Parents

The Archdiocese is keen to hear from parents and caregivers about their experiences of faith at home, participation in the community of faith, things that help of hinder this, and any stories you might have to share. It has prepared a short survey for parents and caregivers​ to complete that will be shared at SYNOD24.

The synod will discern practical, spirit-led actions that help the Archdiocese become a more co-responsible, missional church.​

Suzannah Halpin