Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us

​​Now we're in winter and temperatures have dropped, we are beginning to see in the community and among child the usual run of cold symptoms, such as runny noses and coughs.

​As parents would be aware, it is extremely important that any student with cold or flu-type symptoms stay away from school until symptoms have passed. Having a busy day or needing to go to work is not a reason to send your child to school, regardless of whether they appear to just have the sniffles.

Some useful tips from Queensland Health

​​The cold and flu season is well and truly upon us with the number of absentees up for both students and staff. Queensland Health provides regular reminders to schools and the general public that the best way to protect the health of your family is to take the following proactive seasonal flu measures:

  • stay home when you are unwell, wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser

  • wash your hands prior to touching your eyes, nose and mouth

  • when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues, which should be disposed of immediately

  • don't share items such as glasses or cups, lipstick, toys or anything that could be contaminated with respiratory secretions

  • maintain at least 1m distance from people who have flu-like symptoms such as coughing or sneezing

  • consult your doctor if you have a cough and fever and follow their instructions, including taking medicine as prescribed.

It is very important that you talk with your child about these preventative measures and regularly remind them about hygienic practices.

​​​Sick​ Days

If your child will be away from school please notify the school office of their absence via BCE Connect or the Parent Portal. This information can then be sent to your class teacher. A reminder that this notification may be done by you at any time, day or night. If you know your child will be away for an appointment etc. please log this on the portal too.

​Medications and Student Medical Information​​

As a Brisbane Catholic Education school, Christ the King School must adhere to a strict policy when it comes to giving medication to students. The policy and procedures in place help to reduce the risks associated with giving students:

  • prescribed medication (including scheduled drugs, complex and long-term medication)
  • emergency medication
  • non-prescribed medication (including over-the-counter medications)
  • paracetamol

If your child has a health condition requiring medication, which includes emergency medication, short- and long-term prescription medication and non-prescription medication, we require parents to provide the following information:

Individual Health Care Plan

This plan includes

  • details of your child's health condition*
  • a photograph of your child
  • arrangements for school staff to support your child
  • an emergency response plan
  • your contact details in case of an emergency (and those of another person in the event you are unavailable)
  • your signature together with that of the principal to indicate the details have been read and you and your child have been consulted in the development of this plan.

*Your medical practitioner will need to provide information about the nature of the health condition, any medication required and the correct dosage, an appropriate emergency treatment.

In some situations, CTK School must not administer medication without a health care plan. It is therefore important parents keep these plans up-to-date by having these plans reviewed by medical practitioners at least annually while their child is enrolled at the school. If at any stage throughout the year your child's health care plan changes, you must notify the school in writing immediately.

Medication Administration Request

Medication can only be administered to a student if a parent or legal guardian has provided an up-to-date Medication Administration Request form. The Medication Administration Request form is required for all short-term medication (e.g., antibiotics) and long-term complex medication (e.g., insulin or behaviour management).

Administering Paracetamol

Pain medication may mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury. Before we can provide any child with paracetamol, parents must provide the school with an Authority to Administer Paracetamol form. You may complete this form at the start of each year, or for specific activities or periods of time.

For longer term paracetamol use, we may request a medication practitioner's letter with guidelines for prescription.

Labelling of Medication

Parents must give the school all medication in its original container and keep medication up-to-date. 

All medication must be supplied with a pharmacy label that includes:

  • name of the person authorised to take the medication
  • dosage
  • date and time to be taken
  • medical practitioner's name

Parents may also be asked to supply a medical practitioner letter for some medication, including non-prescription medication, in addition to the Medication Administration Request form.

Our staff must keep strict records when medication is administered t​o a student at CTK School. If you are contacted by the school to update your child's medical information or medication, you must attend to this request efficiently. All the forms listed above are available online and at our school office. I encourage you to speak with a member of our administration team if you have any questions or concerns.

I appreciate your support on this matter.​

Damien Sullivan


From the Assistant Principal Religious Education

As the world commemorates Laudato Si' Week (19-26 May), Brisbane Catholic Education schools not only stand out for their dedication to environmental stewardship and social responsibility, but also their commitment to caring for our common home.

From turning trash into treasure to leading the charge with student-led Sustainability Ambassadors steered by Mrs Kim Lyons, Christ the King School truly embodies the principles of Pope Frances' encyclical, Laudato Si'.

Here are CTK School we are constantly finding authentic ways to live out the call of Laudato Si'. Supported by our P&F Association, we demonstrate a proud commitment to sustainability in various aspects of day-to-day school life, seeking to live Laudato Si' in a holistic way in how we 'live, love and learn'. Some of the initiatives we have been involved in over the past few years include:

  • P&F Association supply of recycling coloured eco-bin system

  • A compost bin and worm farm at the back of the Library for fruit and vegetable scraps

  • Reduce food waste by encouraging 'waste free' lunch boxes; encouraging students to take their time to eat before going to play; encouraging families to avoid over-ordering on Tuckshop days

  • Each Friday afternoon from 1:30pm, the whole school participates in an 'Emu Parade' to collect litter from around the school grounds

  • CTK School collecting eligible 10c beverage containers as part of the Containers for Change scheme since 2021

  • Establishment of the 'Hearts of CTK' Garden alongside the Church

  • Adopting a student-led and action-driven approach to change, which aims to minimise our ecological footprint by reducing landfill waste, increasing the volume of resources that are recycled and fostering a culture of thinking, questioning and challenging existing behaviours

  • Collecting plastic bread tags as part of 'Bread Tags for Wheelchairs' program

  • Sustainability guidelines for all CTK School events to assist in delivering events that are as 'sustainable' as possible and one that demonstrates our ongoing dedication to improving the school's eco-footprint, particularly in relation to waste

  • Initiating Sustainability Captains as part of the school's Leadership program.

This list is not exhaustive, but it certainly highlights our ongoing commitment to Laudato Si'.

The focus of our Prayer Assembly on Monday, 20 May was to allow all children to participate in a special kinaesthetic prayer. This prayer, for Laudato Si' Week 2024, invited students to move in ways that focus attention on self and the environment around them. For the learners who learn by doing, it is a style of prayer that can invite deeper understanding. Traditional forms of kinaesthetic prayer include the Sign of the Cross or a prayer walk.​

School Sponsored Mass

A huge shout-out to our wonderful families and staff who supported our school sponsored mass on Sunday, 19 May. It is always fantastic to see families celebrating with our parish community and taking the opportunity to be active participants in the liturgy and of the Church.

A special thanks to Mrs Margaret Lawless, Mr Michael Doherty and Mrs Margaret Bailey in helping to lead our children in song.​

The Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians

The Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians, our National Patronal Feast, is celebrated on Friday, 24 May. The fist Australian provincial synod held in Sydney in 1844 placed the Church of Australia under Mary's patronage invoked by the title Help of Christians. The solemn feast is an occasion to seek Mary's help and protection for our Church and nation.​


O God, all creation sings your praise!

Open our eyes to your gifts.

Show us how to protect and nurture our planet and all those creatures who share our home.

Make us eager to share the goods of this earth with our brothers and sisters.

We ask this through Jesus, your Son and our brother.


Source: Michael Blanchfield, Education Officer, Catholic Identity.​

​Suzannah Halpin