Arriving on time for school is a big contributor to children being engaged in their learning. It is important that all children arrive in time to commence the school day by 8:30am.
When children arrive after this time, they miss the opportunity to be well-prepared for the day's learning and unfortunately impact upon the learning of other children. Teachers understand that on occasions there may be a hold up in getting to school, but this should really be an exception.
For student protection reasons, and to ensure all our children are safe, Christ the King School will be making changes to its sign-in procedure when children arrive late. We ask that you familiarise yourself with the 'Arrive Late, Leave Early' procedure that will commence in Term 4.
Students arriving after 8:30am must present to the school office with a parent or guardian for sign in
Students will be given a late slip, which they are to give to their classroom teacher (students arriving without a late slip will be sent to the office to sign in)
If a student arrives after 8:30am and does not have a parent or guardian in attendance, an SMS will be sent to the student's parent/legal guarding advising that the child has arrived late.
In events where students need to leave early, we ask you to notify the school beforehand. This allows us to prepare the student/s for their departure. When picking up your child please go to the main office and wait for your child to arrive. Parents and guardians are not permitted to collect their children from the classroom.
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these procedures as they assist us in maintaining a safe environment for your children. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the 'Arrive Late, Leave Early' process, please contact our school office on 07 3379 7872.
Please consider our neighbours
A courtesy reminder to families to continue to keep our families safe and respect our neighbours by parking safely and legally. This means no part of your vehicle should obscure any part of any driveway. The school does have to answer to the frustrations of our neighbours when this becomes an issue.
We appreciate your help on this matter.
Best wishes for a great holiday
Term 3 seems to have flown by.
I wish all our students, families, teachers and staff the best for a well-earned break after a busy term for all. We will see you refreshed in another two weeks for what will be an action-packed final term for 2024.
Damien Sullivan
From the Assistant Principal Religious Education
The theme of National Child Protection Week this year is 'Every conversation matters'. Embracing this theme, we are reminded that every conversation about safeguarding matters. Children and adults at risk are more likely to raise concerns and issues in an environment that empowers and listens to them, and creating space for children and adults to have a say in decisions that affect them is an integral part of every safe organisation. Here, at Christ the King School and the wider community of Brisbane Catholic Education and the Archdiocese of Brisbane, we are committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community.
Mindful of the theme for National Child Protection Week, may we work to create safe spaces where we can have meaningful conversations with children and adults at risk about their safety.
BCE's Student Protection Team has developed the Student Protection Parent/Carer Toolkit. This is a one-stop-shop with resources and guidance for parents and carers. It's an easy-to-use resource located on our website and also on the Brisbane Catholic Education website.
It covers topics such as online safety and grooming, how to start a difficult conversation with your child, sexual behaviour in children, student protection processes and more. We encourage you to take some time and look at this resource.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to the 13 CTK School children who received their Sacrament of Confirmation last week in our school. Thank you to their parents, families, catechists, sponsors and to all who helped in any way to prepare the children, and to celebrate the Sacrament together. A special thank you to Mr Sullivan and Mrs Halpin for helping on the night and sharing in this special moment with our children.
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who brought these servants to new birth by water and the Holy Spirit,
freeing them from sin: always send upon them,
O Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete,
giving them the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and fortitude,
the spirit of knowledge and piety;
the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
Through Christ our Lord.
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is the sacrament that 'seals' or 'reaffirms' our baptism before we take the final step in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church – sharing in Holy Communion for the first time.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of Christian initiation.
Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
The Sacrament of Confirmation consists of the renewal of baptismal promises and the laying on of hands and anointing with the oil of Chrism.
You can find further information about Confirmation on the Archdiocese of Brisbane website.
Fun, free activities for the school holidays
Are you looking for things to do with the children that aren't going to break the bank this school holidays? The Brisbane City Council offers plenty of free and low-cost activities and events that are sure to entertain and inspire.
If your child has expressed an interest in soccer, basketball or tennis, but you've held off signing them up because of the cost, there are free sessions, as well as kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding. If STEAM is more your child's interest, there are plenty of games and activities exploring science, technology and art. Don't forget that Brisbane will also be involved in welcoming Australia's Olympic and Paralympic athletes on Saturday, 14 September.
Find out all the events on offer by visiting the Brisbane City Council website.
Suzannah HalpinAPRE