Notice of Annual General Meeting – P&F Advisory Group

The P&F Advisory Group wishes to extend an invitation to all parents and caregivers who join us for the CTK School P&F Advisory Group Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 19 November at 6:30pm in the CTK School Library.​

Please see below for the formal Notice of Meeting. As per standard procedural practice for an AGM, all current Executive and Committee positions will be declared vacant.​

This year, given the recent changes in the structure of the P&F and the need to establish new ways of working, nominations are sought for a President and two Executive Committee members, as well as General Committee members.

A President is essential to ensuring there is a leader responsible for driving and overseeing the work of the P&F Advisory Group as a whole. Different to previous years however, the call for two Executive Committee members and General Committee members is not for specific roles (e.g., Secretary or Grants Officer). Rather, it is intended that once a new Committee is established, roles will be allocated in alignment with members' interests and skill sets.

While this approach is a change to previous years, it is hoped that it will allow some key tasks to be spread across a number of Executive and/or General Committee members and create a welcoming (and not too daunting) environment for any parent or caregiver in the community who would like to join the committee. Please consider that many roles can be done in pairs if you'd like to share the experience with a friend.

If you are interested in nominating for an Executive of Committee role, please email the current Executive Committee​ before Monday, 18 November. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor at the AGM.

Following the AGM, a general meeting will be held. Parents and caregivers who are interested in being involved in any key P&F events or assisting with other activities, are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. Please note that event and activity coordinators will form part of the P&F's Committee.

If you have any questions about the AGM or Committee roles, please email the P&F Advisory Group.CTK School Parents and Friends Advisory Group - Notice of AGM 2024-1.png​​