
As a Brisbane Catholic Education school, Christ the King School follows a procedure to reduce the risks associated with giving students:

  • ​prescribed medication (including scheduled drugs, complex and long-term medication)
  • emergency medication
  • non-prescribed medication (including over-the-counter medications)
  • paracetamol
The procedure applies during school hours and all school activities such as excursions, camps, sporting events and internal travel.

Without a health care plan or parent/guardian consent, Christ the King School cannot administer medication.


If a student has a health condition requiring medication, we require one or all of the following forms to be completed.

​​Emergency medications

​Students with conditions that may require emergency medication (such as anaphylaxis) must provide the school with an emergency action plan developed by a prescribing medical practitioner.

Emergency action plans must contain:

  • ​details of the emergency medication prescription and
  • instructions for administration